Sunday, April 24, 2011

Holy Week Ramblings

This Holy Week has been more meaningful to me this year than in previous years.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe it's because I've finally gotten into a pretty good habit of being in the Word.  But I found myself thinking a lot this week about Jesus.  Specifically, I've been wrestling with thinking about what if I was alive when Jesus was?  Would I have followed Him?  Or would I have been a skeptic?  Would the supernatural have wowed me, or turned me off?  Would I have had the courage to throw away everything I knew to be a follower, or would I have been too comfortable in my life?  And if I would have followed him, would I have been able to stay awake in the garden?  Would I have fled when the soldiers came?  Would I have denied him?  And it struck me that I've never really considered the hours and days and weeks after the resurrection.  In my mind, each person took sides before the cross, and that was that.  I hadn't considered that people surely WERE swayed by the events of Friday and Sunday.  Weren't they?  Would I have been?

I'm incredibly grateful that Jesus loves me so much that he was willing to suffer hell so that I wouldn't have to.  I put him on the cross, but my guilt is wiped away by his precious blood.  Thank you, Jesus!


  1. I have often wondered similar things. How grateful I am for the GREAT JOY that God's grace has given me! Happy Easter, Janna!
    Love, Katie

  2. Amen! Thanks for sharing your inner wrestling...
