How is it that now that it's summer, my calender is more full and crazy than ever?! This is supposed to be time to relax! I just looked at my calendar to see if it looks as crazy as I'm feeling. There is ONE square in June that's empty: this coming Friday. We spent the first weekend of June in Michigan for the wedding of Jonathan's cousin Jake. This past weekend Dad Baker was in town. This coming weekend we aren't going anywhere, or hosting any guests, but with baseball, a birthday party, a get-together with friends, Father's Day, and preparations for VBS, it's going to be a busy one. VBS is getting me a little stressed out. I don't think the stress is warranted, because although I will have a lot of work, I don't think it will take more than a few hours. I'm in charge of registration. The negative part is that since registration continues until VBS starts Monday morning (and will continue for the first couple days), most of the work, such as organizing the kids into groups and printing nametags (including group name) can't effectively be done until Sunday night. The positive part is that I love all this organizational stuff, so I'm kind of looking forward to it.
Ooh, I just realized that after tonight (Ethan's baseball game and small group get-together), we don't have other plans during the evening, all week! That makes me happy. Oh, except for Thursday. Sigh.
And Friday.... Make up baseball game.