Thursday, June 9, 2011


On Monday, after realizing that the water in our kiddie pool was like a hot tob, I decided to dump out most of the hot water and add fresh, cool water.  Not wanting to waste all that hot water, I thought I'd take it out by the bucketful and water some of the plants in my flower garden.  We'd been gone over the weekend, and I thought they could use some water anyway.  As I got closer to the garden, I began seeing some type of animal poop.  And it surprised me, because it was made up of large pellets.  I thought it looked like sheep droppings.  As I looked a little farther and discovered a very large PILE of said poop, suddenly I saw movement, and less than 5 feet away from me, out darted a tiny fawn!  Now I say tiny because I've never seen one so small, but it was probably the size of a medium-sized dog.  I gasped, "Oh!  Deer!" and ran away, losing my flipflop in the process.  The fawn ran, terrified I'm sure, through the lawn and behind our mini-barns.  I started getting worried, not because of the fawn, but because I figured its mother must be close by.  But upon further inspection of our yard, came up with nothing, and allowed the kids to play outside.  Though I did keep them on the deck for awhile. 

I've noticed that several of my hostas are half-eaten. 


  1. a baby fawn (redundancy intended) is Jodi's favorite. I'm sure she's SO jealous.

  2. I love those! We just saw one in Iowa last week. But...I've never heard of mama deer being nasty, is that an Indy thing I should be aware of??

  3. i AM so jealous! and actually it's LITTLE baby fawns that are my favorite. i would have loved to have pet it.

  4. At least you don't have to fertilize this year:) trying the google thing...

  5. Anonymous neighborJune 9, 2011 at 4:20 PM

    Please make sure you clean up the deer debree. The longer it sits in your yard, the more the values of our houses decrease.

  6. That is exciting! I thought you were going to say a snake and got really grossed out for a second. :) I am glad it was a fawn.
