Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Growing Girl

Anelise had her 18 month check up yesterday.  Yes, we were a month late.  She had been really cranky for the last week or so, which made me glad to take her in and not be charged for an extra visit.  There is fluid in one ear, but the doctor said it was hard to tell if something was just starting, or if it was clearing up.  Based on the fever she'd had last Wednesday and the unbearable screaming she did most of the weekend, I think she's through the worst of it.  The doctor gave me a prescription, but only wants me to fill it if it seems like she's getting worse.  And she's not, thankfully. 

Anelise weighs 25 pounds and is 33 inches.  That puts her between 50th and 75th percentile for both.  I talked to my sister, Julie, yesterday and learned that Anelise's cousin Sofia, a week older than Anelise, is almost identical in size.  I can't wait to have the cousins together at the summer cottage in August!

Anelise also needed one vaccination.  Boo.  But she did so well!  She was happily sitting on my lap, curious when they rubbed her leg with the sterilization stuff, and didn't even fuss when she saw the needle. Once it went in, of course, she screamed, but with much less gusto than in the past.  And she settled down very quickly.  And other than possibly flu shots, she's all done with vaccinations for several years!


  1. I seriously cannot WAIT for her and Sofia to be together this August!

  2. That is certainly an improvement over past doctor visits with kids. What a cutie! Love the fashion sense--tank top with fleece mittens :) I think she weighs the same as Seth does at 26 months.
