Thursday, March 31, 2011

Look, Mom!

I put a picture up!  Ok, so it was a picture that was already loaded on my computer, and you've all probably seen it already, but since Mom was asking (read: pleading) for me to put pictures up, here you go!  Note:  I didn't take this picture.  Remember, we don't take them.

Also of note:  we caught mouse #2 last night.  Again on a glue trap, placed in the same spot mouse #1 had been trapped.  I guess the space between the oven and the fridge is a mouse thoroughfare in our kitchen.  By the way, I'm sold on the glue traps.  From now until the end of time, they're all we'll be buying.


  1. HOW DID I NOT KNOW YOU HAD A BLOG?! Oh wait. This looks like a new blog. I'm glad you caught these mices. I'm not sure what a glue trap is...but I am going to check the webs for them now. Just in case one of your mice hopped in Analie's diaper bag and came to our house to visit. Hehehe.

  2. Thanks for the picture JB! LYTB!
    oh and we are receiving notices via email now!

  3. I wonder if they have giant opossum-sized glue traps. I should have thought of that months ago!
