Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mouse Trap

We have been seeing evidence of mice in our house.  Lots of evidence.  Gross evidence, in places I don't want to think about having mice.  Like my kitchen sink.  And on the counter tops.  And on the couch.   SO GROSS!!!  Jonathan went out and bought traps yesterday.  Last night after the kids were in bed, we set them.  Eight of them.  4 were glue traps, 2 were the big "no see-um" kind, and two were the traditional snap traps, baited with peanut butter.  Shortly before 10:00, we heard it.  A strange scratching and popping sound, coming from the kitchen.  We came in to discover a very large mouse caught on one of the glue traps.  I was surprised at its boldness to come out while we were still up, with lights on.  Jonathan disposed of it (I don't know how, and don't care to know), and we went to bed wondering how many more we would have to dispose of in the morning.  We didn't catch any more.  SO,  did we just have one bold mouse wandering all over the house?  Or did the disappearance of one of their own prompt the others to go into hiding?  We'll keep the traps out for a few more nights and look for more evidence before we decide.

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