Our church is offering a Connection Class (adult Sunday School) that's called "Setting the Captives Free." Now, I'm not attending the class (I'm going to an Apologetics class), but one of the teachers just posted on Facebook some information on a new website that I checked out and found very interesting (and disturbing!). A little background is that research shows that sex trafficking increases exponentially in cities hosting Super Bowls. Indianapolis is hosting the Super Bowl this year. This is one of the reasons our church decided to highlight the problem in one of the Connection Classes. The website that Debi posted is not so much about sex trafficking as it is about human slavery, and our impact on it. I encourage you to check it out; take the survey to see how many slaves are working for you!
Slavery Footprint Survey
Hey Janna, that is crazy, PHX is hosting the superbowl come 2015...but PHX has one of the highest amts of sex slave trafficking in the US...much to do w/ the drug cartels...I am working on getting involved in streetlights- its an awesome ministry/org. to help rehabilitate these poor girls where the system actually criminalizes them...so sad!